On the need for the formation of digital competence in the modern teacher as a subject of the digital educational space

  • A. A. Kompaniets

    A. A. Kompaniets. FarEastern Federal University. Vladivostok. Russia


In the XXI century, one of the central trends in education is the digitalization of the educational process. A modern teacher, as a direct participant in the digitalization of education, as a subject of the digital educational space, should understand the content of the main categories of the digital educational space. In particular, the active use of digital technologies, and the educational technologies that are being transformed in this regard, lead to an understanding of the need for the modern teacher to develop the ability to confidently, effectively, safely, critically,
creatively and ethically choose and apply digital technologies in their professional activities. In this article, in a broad generalized sense, the content of the digital educational space is proposed. The author's view on the content of the phenomenon "digital competence of the
teacher" in the designated structure of the digital educational space is presented. Two models of digital competence are considered (G. U. Soldatova, Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission's science and knowledge service). Based on the identified models of digital
competence, a list of relevant digital competencies is formulated, reflecting the ability to solve problems in the areas of content, communication and cooperation, security, technical problem solving, consumption and technological solutions by means of digital tools. The results of a survey
conducted among teachers, teachers, and undergraduate students of a pedagogical university as subjects of the digital educational space are analyzed. The respondents ' interest in the need to develop digital competence in the issues of reliable information search, creation of digital
content, organization of online communication and cooperation, ensuring the security of personal data and devices on the Internet was revealed. The "problematic" component of digital competence (organization of safe activities on the Internet) is identified, which should be
paid special attention to when forming digital competence in a modern teacher at the initial stage of turning to the digital educational space.

Keywords: digitalization of education, digital educational space, digital competence, digital
competence model, digital competence component, digital competencies.